Picture Gallery
Photo Gallery
1 Squirell in Central Park 1
2 Squirell in Central Park 2
3 Linds and Jason on the Bow Bridge
4 Linds on Bow Bridge in Central Park
5 Linds on Bow Bridge
6 Sassy!
7 St. Patrick's Cathedral
8 Jason at Rockefeller Center
9 Jason at Rockefeller Center 2
10 Cool Fountains at Rockefeller
11 Rockefeller Cntr Flags
12 Rockefeller Panorama
13 Triumphal Arch (WTC in Background)
14 Triumphal Arch 2
15 Triumphal Arch (other side)
16 Cool Brownstones in Greenwich Village
17 Cool Brownstones in Greenwich Village 2
18 Another Cool Bldg in Greenwich Village
19 Greenwich Viallge
20 Yankee Stadium - Retired Numbers
21 Yankee Stadium - Retired Numbers 2
22 Yankee Stadium - Retired Numbers 3
23 Yankee Stadium - Retired Numbers (all)
24 Yankee Stadium - Retired Numbers (all) 2
25 Yankee Stadium - Monument Park - Lou Gehrig
26 Yankee Stadium - Monument Park - Babe Ruth
27 Yankee Stadium - Monument Park - Mickey Mantle
28 Yankee Stadium - Monument Park - Joe Dimaggio
29 In our seats hiding from the rain
30 Jason and Calvin at Yankee Stdm.
31 Hmm...rain
32 Yankee Stadium
33 Trying to squeegie the field
34 Cool Midtown Bldg.
of 34
Triumphal Arch 2
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