But for April and August

Reprinted with permission from Baseball Weekly.

Barry Bonds could have had a monster year in 1995 with just an average April and August. The strike stole most of April and Bonds tailed off in August. Over the past five seasons, Bonds has hit .282 with five homers in April, .281 with six homers in August.

Month               AB    H    HR   RBI   Avg.
April 1995          11    0    0     0    .000
Average April       67    19   5    12    .282
August 1995         93    19   4    18    .204
Average August      88    25   6    18    .281
1995 total         506   149   33   104   .294

Adjusted total     557   174   40   116   .312

Source: Baseball Weekly research - Pat Coleman


© 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Jason Prothero