During Cal's Streak there has been tons of injuries.
Here are some of the stranger ones.
This is from an article by Knight-Ridder Tribune News Service.
- "In what must be considered the quintessential modern
athlete injury, Tony Gwynn missed a couple of games after
he smashed his thumb in the door of his luxury car. While
going to the bank.
- Rickey Henderson missed several games because of frost-
bite. In August.
- Vince Coleman missed the 1985 World Series when he got
rolled up in the tarp machine.
- Pascual Perez missed a start in Atlanta when he circled
the city for more than two hours searching for the exit
ramp from Highway 285 to Fulton County Stadium.
- Kevin Mitchell strained a muscle while vomiting.
- Twins farmhand David Foster was knocked out for the
season when a lightning strike through a phone line zapped
him while he was making a call.
- Pitcher Steve Foster injured his shoulder knocking over
milk bottles during a segment with Jay Leno on "The Tonight
- Wade Boggs missed several games after straining his back
while pulling on his cowboy boots.
- Paul Molitor dislocated a knuckle when it got stuck in
another player's glove.
- Milwaukee's Dave Nilsson missed part of this season with
Ross River Fever, a mosquito-borne virus that annually affects
200 out of Australia's 17 million residents.
- Twins general manager Terry Ryan required dozens of
stitches when he was scouting a game and a bat flew out of
the hitter's hands, sailed through a space in the backstop and
struck him in the forehead.
- Pitcher Jeff Juden had a start early in the 1994 season pushed
back after getting an infection from a tattoo.
- Outfielder Bret Barberie missed a game when he accidentally
rubbed chili juice in his eye.
- Ken Griffey Jr. missed a game after his protective cup slipped
and pinched a testicle.
- Doc Gooden missed a start when Coleman accidentally hit him
with a golf club in the Mets' clubhouse.
- Mark Portugal missed a start because of food poisoning
from eating bad mahi-mahi.
- Pitcher Steve Sparks dislocated his shoulder while tearing
a phone book in half.
- reliever Larry Anderson strained a rib muscle getting out
of a Jucuzzi.
- Pitcher Ted Power pulled a hamstring jumping off the
bullpen bench to join a brawl.
- Kent Hrbek missed the final 10 games of the 1990 season
when he sprained an ankle while wrestling with a clubhouse
- Florida's Randy Veres hurt his hand pounding on a hotelroom
wall trying to get the people in the next room to quiet down.
- Dennis Martinez injured his arm tossing his luggage onto
the team bus. He was diagnosed with Samsonitis.
- Chris Brown missed a game with a strained eyelid after
sleeping on an eye a funny way.
- Former Seattle shortstop Rey Quinones was unavailable as a
pinch-hitter because he was in the clubhouse playing Nintendo.
- Terry Harper (OF-Atlanta) Injured his shoulder after giving another
player a high five. -Ernie
- Greg Harris (RP-Texas) injured his shoulder trying to flick
sunflower seeds into the stands from the Bullpen. -Ernie
- Baltimore's Mark Smith was hurt when he stuck his hand in an
air conditioner to see why it wasn't working properly. As
if the Orioles would let Ripken test the air conditioner?"

© 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998
Jason Prothero